Forskning och Innovation
The concept of the sustainable port – ports becoming enablers of sustainability in transports and logistics
Branschprogrammet hållbar sjöfart
Global transportation is one of the major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. Ports play an important role for the leap towards a more sustainable transport ecosystem. Over
the years, empowered by the Swedish innovation project I.Hamn, a concept for the sustainable port has been developed by the Swedish ports (see Appendix 1). This effort has been financed by the Swedish Transport Administration’s industry programme
Sustainable shipping managed by Lighthouse. The project is coordinated by the Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE), and University of Gothenburg and Chalmers University of
Technology are project partners.
The result is a vision of the sustainable port, including a roadmap - developed togetherwith Lighthouse Focus group for Ports - supporting Swedish ports, in which the three pillars of sustainability have been addressed, i.e., economic, social, and environmental sustainability. In this concept, the port as a transport node that acknowledges its interface to all traffic modes taken as the point of departure. A sustainable port addresses the means of sustainability in its own operations, in its services provided to users, and by being an active and integrated player in the sustainable development of the local and regional industries and communities. Building on the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, this report captures the concept of the sustainable port as a mean for becoming a proactive entity towards a more sustainable transport system, rather than a reactive one. The concept of the sustainable port also comes with the port as an energy node and as a digital node to address the opportunity for ports becoming a sustainable element as fully
integrated in the transport and logistics ecosystem.
The vision for the Sustainable Port is based on the port as a sustainable transport node, which is able to leverage its role and capabilities both as a digital node and an energy node. The port is run on commercial grounds and as a transport node the port contributes to sustainable use of the transport system by being an integrated part of global, regional, and local transport systems where different types of traffic are included and interact.
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Sandra Haraldson, Mikael Lind, Zeeshan Raza, Johan Woxenius, Fredrik Olindersson
TRV 2019/27023
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