Forskning och Innovation
Carbon capture potential on-board ships
Branschprogrammet hållbar sjöfart
This study summarizes information related to carbon capture (CC) technologies with potential to be installed on-board ships. Fuels containing carbon is likely to be used on-board ships for many years to come. Carbon capture is, in general,seen as a prerequisite to meet future greenhouse gas GHG emissions targets.
So far, few real installations of CC on-board vessels have been seen. Thus, this measure is still on a pilot scale for shipping.
The estimated costs, found in the literature, for on-board installations of CC havea large spread and range from estimates less than €100 per ton CO2 up to almost €300 per ton CO2 captured, liquified and stored on-board. This study finds that it
seems technically and economically possible to install CC on-board ships, under the right circumstances, as long as decarbonisation policy measures for shippingcontinue to develop and technical development of on-board CC continues. Costs for the introduction of CC on-board ships needs to be compared with alternative
measures such as switching to e-methanol, renewable hydrogen etc. As example, Brynolf et al., (2022) estimate carbon abatement cost for liquefied hydrogen in shipping of €220–€850 per ton CO2 and abatement cost for different electrofuels at €150–€1250 per ton CO2, with combined bio-methanol and electro-methanol in
the lower range.
However, the future costs associated with the delivery of the captured CO2ashore, transportation and final storage is still difficult to assess and is one of the key questions to explore further.There is a lot of work ongoing, related to the technical development of carbon capture which will likely lead to decreased capturing costs and improved technical performance.
Three post-combustion CC technologies have been identified as most feasible, and promising, for the application on-board in combination with ICEs: absorption by ammonia (NH3), cryogenic separation and membrane separation. However, post combustion capturing with the chemical solvent MEA is the most common technical solution being assessed and described in the literature for onboard capturing. And CC with MEA is also widely used as benchmark process for comparisons between CC technologies.
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Karl Jiven, Selma Brynolf, Jonas Hevenstein, Maximiliam Weidenhammer, Julia Hanossn, Anders Hjort, Yingying Cha
TRV 2019/27023
Antal sidor:
Charlott Andersson, PLa1us
Trafikverket, Postadress: 781 89 Borlänge, Telefon: 0771-921 921