Socioeconomics- and Actor Analyses of Navigational Shore Assistance in Sweden:A Gothenburg Case Study


Navigationsstöd från land – fas 2

Research project “Navigationsstöd från land – fas 2” is a continuation project that tests the feasibility of providing and using a remote pilotage service in Sweden. Remote pilotage, or
Navigational Shore Assistance (NSA), refers to having a trained pilot provide assistance fromshore to eligible incoming or outgoing vessels, contrary to the traditional pilotage model where
the pilot would physically meet and board the vessel, and provide assistance to the vessel’s bridge team on navigating and manoeuvring it to or from berth.
This report serves as the deliverable for Work Package 3 in research project “Navigationsstöd från land – fas 2”, referring to the economics- and actor analyses of combining traditional pilotage in Sweden with one of two alternatives: 1) a semi-remote option where each incoming or outgoing vessel eligible for NSA uses an NSA for the outermost part of the pilotage route/stretch, and a traditional/physical pilot for the innermost part of the route/stretch to or from berth; or 2) a fully remote option where each incoming or outgoing vessel eligible for NSA uses an NSA for the full pilotage route/stretch to or from berth.
In this report, Gothenburg is investigated as a case study, and assistance of solely one vessel per NSA pilot at a time is considered in this report. In future analyses, however, the provision of assistance to two or more vessels simultaneously by a single NSA pilot may be considered.
The socioeconomics analyses focus on Sjöfartsverket as the service provider, however costs and benefits are also investigated from the viewpoint of the shipping companies as customers
of the service, and from the broader viewpoint of society.
To perform this Work Package, a quantitative analysis of resources and associated costs and savings was performed, as well as a more qualitative analysis based on interviews with shipping
companies and port agents.
The results suggest that a combination of traditional pilotage and NSA can help Sjöfartsverketto obtain some cost savings compared to the baseline traditional pilotage model, especially when it comes to the reduced use of the pilot boats that transport pilots to and from vessels(this includes savings on fuel and pilot boat crew) and reduced commutes for the pilots to and from pilot stations and berths. Shipping companies, in turn, may experience a reduction in waiting times and delays, and improved pilot availability.

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Författare: Nicole Costa, Jie Li, Anna Hedén, Dag Tedenby
Utgivare: RISE
Utgivningsdatum: 2024-05-20
Diarienummer: TRV 2021/11826
Antal sidor: 44
Språk: Engelska
Kontaktperson: Charlott Andersson, US

Trafikverket, Postadress: 781 89 Borlänge, Telefon: 0771-921 921