Addressing the complexity of sustainability-driven structural design: Computational design, optimization and desicion making


Projekteringsprocess för ökad hänsyn till produktions­metoder, klimat och miljöpåverkan i byggprocessen

Throughout this thesis, a number of methods have been explored to take sustainability aspects into account in the structural design process. As a first step, highly parameterized computer codes for sustainability-driven design have been developed. These codes
interoperate with FE analysis software to automatically model and analyse design concepts over the whole design space and verify compliance with structural design standards. The codes were complemented with a harmonized method for life cycle
sustainability performance assessment, in line with the state-of-the-art standards. Here, sustainability criteria were defined covering environmental, social, economic, buildability and structural performance for multi-criteria assessment of design concepts.
To identify the most sustainable designs within the set, multi-objective optimization algorithms were used. Algorithms that address the high expense of constraint function evaluations of structural design problems were developed and integrated in the
parameterized computer codes for sustainability-driven design. To ensure the
applicability and validity of these methods, case studies based on real-world projects and common structural engineering problems were used in this thesis. Case studies for bridges and wind turbine foundations as well as a benchmark case of a reinforced concrete beam were investigated.

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Författare: Alexander Mathern
Utgivare: Chalmers
Utgivningsdatum: 2021-05-30
Diarienummer: TRV 2018/68419
Antal sidor: 74
Språk: Engelska
Kontaktperson: Peter Simonsson, IVtan

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