Implementation of eMaintenance concept within the Swedish railway : Implementation of eMaintenance concept within the Swedish railway



An available, reliable and well-maintained railway is the foundation for competition and market growth. Demands on high standards
for reliable rail transport, tight turnaround times and high utilization of resources (machines, workshops , staff) makes minimum
disturbance in the system to quickly disrupt the entire process of lost capacity, delays and reduced quality to customers as a result.
The Swedish railway composed after deregulation, of several different parties, each one with individually objectives and strategy to
maintain their assets and rolling stock. Although some data are railway system common no greater sharing of operation and
maintenance data exists, which creates the risk of sub-optimisation.
Luleå Railway Research Center (JVTC) has since 2005 determinedly conducted research in eMaintenance with the aim of using
different types of condition data to develop decision support using preventive measures to prevent disruption of the railway system
in a cost effective manner. eMaintenance aims to perform and control the maintenance with help of condition data and is
interdisciplinary field based on the information and communication technology ( ICT) to ensure that maintenance is carried out in
line with both the customer and the supplier's business goals and intrinsic components in all parts of a system's life cycle.
eMaintenance concept has developed progressively over the years and now it is acdcepted o be implemented as a pilot project called
ePilot119 in the north part of Sweden on track section 119 between Luleå and Boden. ePilot119 delivers a collaboration platform for
the development needs and requirements from various stakeholders to find solutions that enable and transform the Swedish
fragmented rail industry to and an integrated system. ePilot 119 will demonstrate the advantages of working with information
technology and data in real time to control railway traffic and service. The approach is based on enhanced collaboration
methodology with a framework project and a central team that is unifying for finding smaller sub-projects for transform ePilot119 to
a common natural process for sharing maintenance decision support for the railway. The pilot project aims to demonstrate that
higher availability, enhanced capacity and a cost efficient railway operation can be created using the information that is in
eMaintenance lab when used in the right way at the. The goal and strategy and the methodology will be to implemented as a natural
approach to section 119 and then successively implemented in other sections of track in Sweden.

Författare: Ulla Juntti ; Ramin Karim ; Lillemor Larsson
Utgivare: COMADEM
Utgivningsdatum: 2014-09-16
Diarienummer: TRV 2011/58769
Antal sidor: 5
Språk: Engelska
Kontaktperson: Per Olof Larsson Kråik, UHjbs

Trafikverket, Postadress: 781 89 Borlänge, Telefon: 0771-921 921