Maintenance decision making based on different types of data fusion



Over the last decade, system integration is applied more as it allows organizations to streamline business processes. A recent development in the asset engineering management is to leverage the investment already made in process control systems. This allows the operations, maintenance, and process control teams to monitor and determine new alarm level based on the physical condition data of the critical machines. Condition-based maintenance (CBM) is a maintenance philosophy based on this massive data collection, wherein equipment repair or replacement decisions depend on the current and projected future health of the equipment. Since, past research has been dominated by condition monitoring techniques for specific applications; the maintenance community lacks a generic CBM implementation method based on data mining of such vast amount of collected data. The methodology would be relevant across different domains. It is necessary to integrate Condition Monitoring (CM) data with management data from CMMS (Computer Maintenance Management Systems) which contains information, such as: component failures, failure information related data, servicing or repairs, and inventory control and so on. These systems are the core of traditional scheduled maintenance practices and rely on bulk observations from historical data to make modifications to regulated maintenance actions. The most obvious obstacle in the integration of CMMS, process and CM data is the disparate nature of the data types involved, and there have benn several attempts to remedy this problem. Although, there have been many recent efforts to collect and maintain large repositories of these types of data, there have been relatively few studies to identify the ways these to datasets could be related. This paper attempts to fulfill that need by proposing a combined data mining-based methodology for CBM considering CM data and Historical Maintenance Management data. It shows a system integration of physical and management data that also supports business intelligence and data mining where data sets can be combined in non-traditional ways.

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Författare: Diego Galar ; Anna Gustafson ; Bernardo Tormos ; Luis Berges
Utgivare: Polish Maintenance Society (Warsaw)
Utgivningsdatum: 2012
Diarienummer: TRV 2011/58769
ISSN: 1507-2711
Antal sidor: 10
Språk: Engelska
Kontaktperson: Per Olof Larsson Kråik, UHjbs

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