Performance indicators of railway infrastructure



Railway traffic has increased over the last decade and it is believed to increase further with the movement of transportation from road to rail, due to the increasing energy costs and demand to reduce emissions. As a result of increasing need of railway capacity, more efficient and effective operation and maintenance is required. To manage the assets effectively within the business objectives, the results of operation and maintenance activities must be measured and monitored. Performance indicators are developed to support infrastructure managers in decision making, but they are often ad hoc and seldom standardised. In this paper, performance indicators for railway infrastructure, with primary focus on the railway track, have been mapped and compared with indicators of European Standards. The listed indicators can be applied to form a performance measurement system for railway infrastructure.

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Författare: Christer Stenström ; Aditya Parida ; Diego Galar
Utgivare: Saxe-Coburg Publications
Utgivningsdatum: 2012
Diarienummer: TRV 2011/58769
ISSN: 2049-5358
Antal sidor: 18
Språk: Engelska
Kontaktperson: Per Olof Larsson Kråik, UHjbs

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