Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop & Congress on eMaintenance : Dec 12-14 Luleå, Sweden : eMaintenace: trends in technologies and methodologies, challenges, possibilities and applications



integration of disciplines, such as; operation & maintenance engineering, software engineering,
system engineering, information management, business management, together which it make up the
fundamental of this domain. eMaintenance as an approach and a concept has been developed to
support maintenance decision making process in enterprises through utilization and fusion of
enabling eTechnologies; including eMonitoring, eDiagnostics, and ePrognostics. eMaintenance is
being exploited in many industrial domains, with an objective to align the maintenance process with
the business and operational processes to achieve organizational objectives. The benefits of
eMaintenance are reflected in organisations´overall performance, efficiency, and effectiveness.
After the successful conduct of the 1st International Workshop and Congress on eMaintenance
during June, 2010, time has arrived to conduct the 2nd International Workshop and Congress during
12-14 Dec 2012, at Lulea. We have received excellent support from both industry and academia in
terms of number of technical papers and number of participants. The eMaintenance Workshop and
Congress is planned to provide a regular platform every alternate years to initiate discussion amongst
various partners to provide directions for effective utilization of ICT, besides the new and emerging
technologies. eMaintenance solutions are the fusion and integration of various emerging
technologies and methodologies. Thus, a number of challenges and issues related to wide domain of
disciplines related to eMaintenance are included and considered during the congress.
The purpose and theme of the eMaintenance congress is to provide a timely review of research
efforts on the topic covering both theoretical and applied research that will contribute towards
understanding the strategic role of eMaintenance in asset management and performance of
operation and maintenance of complex systems.

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Författare: Ramin Karim ; Aditya Parida ; Uday Kumar
Utgivare: Luleå tekniska universitet
Utgivningsdatum: 2012-12-08
Diarienummer: TRV 2011/58769
ISBN: 978-91-7439-539-6
Antal sidor: 242
Språk: Engelska
Kontaktperson: Per Olof Larsson Kråik, UHjbs

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