Composite indicator for railway infrastructure management



The assessment of efficiency and effectiveness of past maintenance decisions and actions is an essential element in maintenance process. The significance of this is not only limited to communicating the value contribution of maintenance to overall business objectives but also to drive maintenance for improvement and towards excellence. However the existence of numerous maintenance result areas and many operational level indicators often lead to distributed information that is not in a suitable format required to support decision making. This paper motivates the use of fuzzy logic approach to aggregate selected indicators to appreciate the information bit distributed in each indicator. The selected indicators include measures related to safety, comfort, punctuality, availability and reliability aspects of maintenance. Linguistic description and fuzzy sets are developed for each of the indicators which are regarded as input parameters. Also domain experts are employed to develop inference rules for the aggregation process. The methodology of using fuzzy inference system for aggregating maintenance performance indicators is demonstrated with selected line sections of Trafikverket (Swedish Transport Administration). The resulting composite indicator gives a reliable quantification of the health condition of the asset and performance of maintenance within the period under consideration. This can be easily communicated and benchmarked within the organization of the infrastructure manager.

Författare: Stephen Mayowa Famurewa ; Christer Stenström ; Matthias Asplund ; Diego Galar ; Uday Kumar
Utgivare: COMADEM
Utgivningsdatum: 2013
Diarienummer: TRV 2011/58769
Antal sidor: 9
Språk: Engelska
Kontaktperson: Per Olof Larsson Kråik, UHjbs

Trafikverket, Postadress: 781 89 Borlänge, Telefon: 0771-921 921