Simulation of electrical power supply system in railway infrastructure : an integration with rolling stock in Sweden



A Matlab model of the electrical power supply system of a 15 kV AC and 16.7 Hz, the most common in the Swedish railway infrastructure, is proposed. Within the validated models of rolling stock and infrastructure an integrated model is implemented. The train can be integrated in different position of the track to verify the behaviour of the supply system from an electrical point of view. Its output can be also used as an input for a design of an electromagnetic model in high frequencies. Specifically, our aim is to identify how the rolling stock and infrastructure, mainly in the low frequency, affects to other components due to the harmonic currents on the track. In a first approach the model is only intended to cover stationary conditions, not transients. After the design of the model, a measurement campaign in the north of Sweden to validate the model was carried out and compared with our results. These measures were also used in the implementation of a real source.

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Författare: Emilio Rodriguez ; Diego Galar ; Nava Raj Karki ; Stefan Niska
Utgivare: IEEE
Utgivningsdatum: 2013-10-28
Diarienummer: TRV 2011/58769
Antal sidor: 6
Språk: Engelska
Kontaktperson: Per Olof Larsson Kråik, UHjbs

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