Optimisation of track geometry inspection interval



The measurement and improvement of track quality are key issues in determining the time at which railway maintenance must be performed and its cost. Efficient track maintenance ensures optimum allocation of limited maintenance resources which has an enormous effect on maintenance efficiency. Applying an appropriate tamping strategy helps reduce maintenance costs, making operations more cost-effective and leading to increased safety and passenger comfort levels. This paper discusses optimisation of the track geometry inspection interval with a view to minimising the total ballast maintenance costs per unit traffic load. The proposed model considers inspection time, the maintenance-planning horizon time after inspection and takes into account the costs associated with inspection, tamping and risk of accidents due to poor track quality. It draws on track geometry data from the iron ore line (Malmbanan) in northern Sweden, used by both passenger and freight trains, to find the probability distribution of geometry faults.

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Författare: Iman Arasteh khouy ; Per-Olof Larsson-Kråik ; Arne Nissen ; Ulla Juntti ; Håkan Schunnesson
Utgivare: SAGE
Utgivningsdatum: 2014
Diarienummer: TRV 2011/58769
ISSN: 0954-4097
Antal sidor: 11
Språk: Engelska
Kontaktperson: Per Olof Larsson Kråik, UHjbs

Trafikverket, Postadress: 781 89 Borlänge, Telefon: 0771-921 921